Saturday 16 January 2016

Finished Digi-pack.

Finished dig-pack for A2 media coursework.

This dig-pack should act as a guide through the story of the three girls and how they came across their black magic. I have chosen this colour scheme because I want my target audience to be able to relate to it. The colours are very bright create a very feminine and colourful theme. I think this is bright and fun and fits very well with my video. I have chosen to feature an image from the video, and an image from the book, just so that I amiable to create a world that reveals around this story. The fonts are very casual and funky and allow the viewer to relax when looking at them. It carries the connotations for my chosen genre and taggert audience. The characteristics of the images are very stylised and cartoon-used. The apple for instance is a very simple design and adds back to the theme of the fairytale.

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